Tuesday, 2 August 2011

They could have brought their wives and sisters and daughters to join the walk...

I was reading in “The Times of India” that men in huge numbers supported the Slutwalk in Delhi. They were the ones that shouted the slogans at the top of their voices. A certain article in the paper starts like this – “Some of the most ardent supporters of the Slutwalk were, ironically, men. They were present in large numbers, shouting slogans and holding placards. Their message was loud and clear – we are joining the campaign for the sake of our wives, sisters and daughters who face harassment nearly everyday….”. Another  line in the same article states a man as saying – “Rapes are perpetuated by perverts, not clothes…

It is strange that men have these views about women and their sense of dress. Are rapes really committed by just perverts, and if that is so are the perverts only responsible for the rapes? Do the clothes put on by these Sluts not provoke the perverts? I doubt that these men really supported the cause of women, because supporting the cause of women does not require a man to join a Slutwalk and shout slogans at the top of his voice. Fighting for the cause of women can can be done in a much better and much organized way, rather than joining a procession which was full of uncouth placards carried by Sluts. "Strange", is all that I have to say about this country…